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Tag Archives: Place of Execution

Not a movie really, Place of Execution was a two-parter from Masterpiece Theatre and also a book.  Irony of ironies, I’m reading the book Place of Execution and going through my Netflix queue, and low and behold there’s a movie on the list by the same name.  After reading the synopsis, I realized they were one in the same.  Is that a coincidence or what! Anyway, I had a major decision. What to do?  What to do?  Do I read the book or watch the movie, or do both and pretend like I’m an intellectual and compare how well the movie followed the book?

Originally, that’s what I decided.  Read the book, watch the movie and compare.  Except there was one little problem, 100 pages into the book it was a laborious and tedious read.  But I wanted to know what happened and began reading in diligence for another few pages and then, “Ugh, I can’t take this anymore,”  decided screw it and watched the movie.  The movie was quite good and not boring or tedious like the book,  even though I figured out the gist of what happened early in the film.  I’m pretty good at figuring out who-dunnits or who didn’t.

I’ll give you a hint.  They never found the body.  Usually the book is better than the movie, because reading gives you more details and you can get inside the character’s head.  But in the case of Place of Execution, skip the book, watch the movie.