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Tag Archives: Emma Stone

Somehow from the the promos, I got the mistaken idea that this was a film about seducing a teacher to improve one’s grade.  That concept would probably be better served in a college context rather than high school especially if one wanted to make it a comedy.

The film had an interesting premise about how reputations can be made or lost, and at least didn’t put anyone in the house asleep while we watched.

Unfortunately, there were some things in the film that just didn’t ring true.  For instance, I had a very hard time believing the main character was really 17 or 18, she looked to be mid-twenties and sounded like a dirty, filthy smoker.  In fact, according to my internet sources Emma Stone was born in ’88 and is indeed a smoker.  It’s ruining her voice and aging her fast.  Anyway, I spent the entire movie thinking:  Okay, this is pretend…Pretend she’s in high school…Pretend she looks like a teenager…Pretend that’s how 18 year olds behave…But because I had to tell myself to pretend, it took away some of the fun one would otherwise have watching a movie.

Plus, Easy A’s end had no punch.  (Or as they would say in High School — it was anti-climatic).

But good endings for movies are hard to come by.  The best movie ending the world for a comedy film would be the ending of 50 First Dates.  Wow — absolutely great ending!

What’s really weird is that whenever we’re channel surfing we always come upon 50 First Dates and it’s always at the same spot…you know the part where Lucy is back in the institution and Adam Sandler comes to see her, and she’s been dreaming about him and painting his picture.  At that point, the movie’s about over, so we have watch the rest because I really love that perfect ending.  And then I get a little teary-eyed and always say: that movie has the best ending in the world for a comedy film — ooohhhh.

Other than that Easy A was okay.  Just okay.