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Tag Archives: China

Documentaries are a great way to understand geo-politics.  A documentary will usually explain the historical context that led up to the current situation, more so than what you can find in the news.  Reading articles and research will do the same thing, but who has time for that?  What’s more, the visuals and real-life footage brings a much more coherent understanding of the situation.

Tibet: Cry of the Snow Lion brings the situation in Tibet up close and personal.  It is one thing to know that China is in Tibet and another thing to understand that China is destroying all that is Tibet.  It is a film well-worth your time.

The movie reminded me of the Jewish diaspora, it reminded me of what we did to the American Indians.

The film brings up the question of how do the spiritually evolved deal with those who aren’t?  Can you really fight a war of resistance using forgiveness and love?

The film reminds us that whatever our national/political/economic suffering happens to be pales in comparison to what others are going through in other countries like Tibet. It reminds us to be thankful for our own blessings and to care about others.